On Sunday Evening, December 2, Mesivta Birkas Yitzchak was privileged to honor Rav Shafir Roizman, Beloved Rebbe, and Parent of the Year, Rabbi Nachum Braverman.
Please enjoy watching the video that was shown at the banquet. (It takes about 10 seconds to start before it streams. Depending upon your bandwidth, there may be pauses during play.)
[stream base=x:/www.mbyla.org/video/ flv=MBY2012-video.flv img=x:/www.mbyla.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/2012-mby-banquet-300×150.png embed=true share=true width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
Non-streaming full-screen versions:
- 33MB version: smartphone or other mobile device.
- 69MB version: fill the web screen.
Videos from previous banquets can be seen on our Media page.